Monday, March 23, 2009

the ideal of being "skinny"

The way we view our lives is influenced greatly on what the media and other people think. To be like the models we see on tv and magazines and other forms of media is just an idea that we humans come up with. Who said that being skinny is how we should be? We are all brain washed to think that skinny is the way and fat is just plain old disgusting. Its not natural to think that but since that view is internalized and we see that from birth, that's how it is. Normal should be what we are. Not just skinny or just fat. It could range from skinny to fat. No specifics. We shouldn't be influenced by media and internalized views. We should break from those and be "normal." But that is pretty much impossible. It doesn't take only one person to do it. It has to be every single person in this world. Because if everone doesn't agree on one thing then nothing will work. The mass of the people will continue to believe that skinny is the way to go. Its even hard to convince myself to break away from it all. Trying to live in an ideal world is quite difficult.

Just a thought.


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