Tuesday, March 24, 2009

fallin into my disappointment..

Everytime I fall for a girl she never falls for me. I can find some reasons why but it just bothers me how I fall for the wrong girls. Its hard trying to go everyday thinking about her and knowing you probably have no chance. In yesterday's post I talked about the internalized view of being skinny. If you can't beat them, join them. Soo I am not the most attractive guy physically, so I try my best to change that. Not just for other people but especially for myself. I am not satisfied with how I look and yet I don't do anything about it. Well I do try but I don't try hard enough. I need some type of dicipline so that I can do it without anyone telling me to and without feeling sorry for myself. I really like this girl. I don't know what it is that she doesn't like about me but I can assume that its my physical appearance. I want to sit down with her and talk to her and try to find out what it is but that would be just as uncomfortable for her than it would be for me. It isn't impossible to do, just really difficult. She has a life and a passion for something and those might just as well be more important than dealing with something that in my own little world means a whole lot to me.

Idk. It was just something I thought about.

Call me what you want but I thought twilight was a pretty cool movie.


1 comment:

Killa Cam. said...

Well i like you jus the way you are!