Friday, June 19, 2009


im the type of person that is always concerned about what people think of me. i dont know why. its just something that i do.. i guess. but i think that no one should care about what others think.. take a relationship as an example.. if you're hella feelin someone and you want to get with that person but you dont because youre concerned about what other people think, thats not the way to go.. go with what you feel. you only have one life and one chance and what people think about you or what you do shouldnt take that chance away from you.. try it. if i doesnt work out then move on. you cant go on in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. and who knows.. that person could give you a "happily ever after" life.. i dont even know if im making any sense. but its whatever. trying to express how i feel.

FML! myles dude. why?! imma miss you man. i love you man. and you know im willing ta live out in sf with you WHEN you come back.. not if. im hella mad. ending senior year without you is a fuckin triip. we better make these last months count. happy friendship right? haha.


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