Tuesday, March 3, 2009

rain rain go away..

today was an alright day.. the rain ruined it for me. 

i started my day with zero period.. we did alittle sight reading and i sucked! soo then the day goes on.. first period we got popcorn from ms. evans. wasnt that great but it was greatly appreciated. then two district assessments in a row.. omg! it killed me. haha. then the day goes on. i played cards during lunch and that was about it.. when school ended i stood around with some friends then i went to the clinic and learned about safe sex and what not. got some colored condoms and like three life preservers. then i hung around the band room and waited for my ride.. pretty boring if you ask me. 

soo.. nothing interesting about my life. oh well. looking forward to the weekend tho!! imma hangout with M.A.C. and probably go to disneyland with jaybee and jeffrey. yee!

-matt =]

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